More Women in Leadership Campaign
In anticipation of the national free and secret elections on May 25, 2015, a start was made on May 24, 2014 when Stas International started a national awareness campaign focused on getting more women in leadership positions in Parliament as well as other high positions in Suriname.
Based on the world quota of at least 30%, the objective was to have at least 30% of women:
Placed on the lists of political parties that participated
Included as part of The National Assembly in line with the world quota of 30%
Appointed in supervisory boards
Appointed in management of semi-governmental institutions and other bodies
Appointed in the judiciary
Appointed in the Council of Ministers
Appointed in boards in the private sector
In management of the Trade Union
STAS International initiated, coordinated and implemented this entire project. In addition to the catchy look and feel, the payoff MORE WOMEN IN LEADERSHIP transformed into a brand of its own that became well-known in all layers of society. The communication strategy included a range of different activities, including visits to chairpersons of political parties, huge billboards in all districts, 6 live TV MORE WOMEN IN LEADERSHIP debates with politicians and the private sector, supporting media activities and a major online campaign for the presentation of the female candidates of all parties. With the support of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands as the major donor of the MORE WOMEN IN LEADERSHIP campaign and the support of the United Nations Development Fund (UNDP) as the main donor of the project “More Women in Decision Making” of the National Assembly, a successful collaboration was developed between STAS International and The National Assembly. The MORE WOMEN IN LEADERSHIP Campaign became a prestigious branding campaign for more female leadership in Suriname and the results were immensely successful: a total of 180 women on the lists of political parties and after the elections participation of women in The National Assembly increased from 5% to 29,8% and in other bodies the representation of women increased to an average of 25%. The closing of the MORE WOMEN IN LEADERSHIP campaign included a presentation of the success in The National Assembly and a film produced by STAS International titled “Because of them…” in which these female advocates were rightfully immortalized.
Balans in 2020 Campaign
Against the backdrop of the huge success of the MORE WOMEN IN LEADERSHIP campaign, STAS International was approached by the Government of Suriname to initiate, coordinate and implement a similar project. With the United Nations Development Fund (UNDP) as the main donor of the Government of Suriname, the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands selected STAS International to lead this project. For this project, the idea was to not only include women, but also young people in Suriname and especially include first time voters on the political agenda for the branding activities in the period leading up to 25 May 2020, the day of the national free and secret suffrage in Suriname. STAS International initiated, coordinated and implemented the national awareness campaign “Balance in 2020”. Through the cooperation with the UNDP as co-donor, the communication strategy was extended with a Youth Debate, as well as 6 Live TV debates between political parties and billboards. “Balance in 2020” can also be labeled as “hugely successful”, reaching 30% of young people, women in The National Assembly, the Council of Ministers, the State Council and other bodies. The fact that after this campaign political leaders mentioned “gender equality” in one breath with article 1 in the Constitution, namely “regardless the difference in religion, race and ethnicity” indicates that “more female leadership” is considered the norm. “Balance in 2020” has set the tone!