In 2010 STAS International was presented with the immense challenge as strategic communication agency, to brand the very first Staatsolie debenture loan in such a way, that everyone wanted to be a part of our national pride, and have “confidence in what we can achieve”. In addition to the production of the communication items for radio and TV and online media, STAS International was also responsible for all broadcasting.
The result: a surplus revenue of 300% for Staatsolie because of the communication items and strategy developed by STAS International.
For the second debenture loan in 2015, STAS International was requested to not only use its strategic communication for broadcasting, but take on the entire process from the development up to and including the implementation of the design, look and feel and production of all communication items, as well as the entire broadcasting.
The result: a surplus revenue of 100% of the intended amount, based on the received amount after the first campaign.
For the launch of the third Staatsolie debenture loan in February 2020, STAS International was requested to provide its expertise in the strategic communication for broadcasting as well as the design, look and feel and production of all communicational items in addition to broadcasting.
The result: a surplus revenue of 110% of the intended amount, based on the received amount after the second campaign.